Highly skilled YouTube Editors (Short & Longform)

  • Bids0
  • Budget $100.00
  • Average Bid $0.00

Posted on September 1, 2024


Project Desciption

APPLY HERE: https://airtable.com/appZteBoqL4kldnYP/pagfKsKGYZOaF4j3D/form

We are looking for highly skilled youtube editors for our editing agency. If you work with us you will be paid on a project basis, allowing your skill to increase you pay instead of having a fixed hourly rate.

Our agency already has paying clients, we now just need editors to fulfil the editing projects.

Skills needed:

  • fluent in English
  • Premiere Pro/After Effects/Davinci Resolve video editing
  • fast turnaround times

Employer Information

1 project(s) posted hire 0 freelancers
Member since: August 25, 2023

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