Being in a sales and marketing field for almost (9) years, for me was too substantial. I’ve been in this industry from year 2008 – 2017 with (3) consecutive companies here in Manila. tasks such as Sales quotation proposal and Submission to clients, Product presentations, Product bidding, Dealing with clients needs, Sales reporting, Delivery report, Deliveries & logistics, up to Sales completion. Today, I am a freelance singer ( Band Vocalist ) here in the Manila. But I wanted also to continue and share my knowledge in a company where I can work with. I am a team player, Hardworking, Fast learner, Exciting to work with, Passionate, and willing to learn new things, I can communicate well, a very good listener and enthusiastic. i can be very useful to your team. Since my main objective is to give an outstanding result, Long term relationship, professionalism, and give them 100% satisfaction with my work.
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