Raymond Enriquez Online Filipino Virtual Assistant/CSR/Outbound/Telemarketer
5 years experience0 projects worked Philippines
$4.00 /hr $0 earned
Affiliate MarketingFBASalesVirtual Assistant
Well-organized and proficient at multitasking and prioritizing. Detail-oriented, accurate and focused. Highly effective communication skills, verbal and written. Outstanding customer service aptitude.
Highly qualified Inbound Customer Service Representative with experience in the industry. Enjoy creative problem solving and getting exposure to multiple projects. I would excel in the collaborative environment on which your company prides best.
I graduated from Jose Maria College (JMC). I took up a Bachelor of Science major in Social Work, and I believe that my job experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. I am a strong and reliable worker looking to fill that vacant position.
The key strength that I possessed for success included my community engagement, customer service representative, sales team leader and brand ambassador when I was in college.
Please see this link to my resume https://drive.google.com/file/d/1golV8ytlK8c1YahZIYeiuwDDY4jDNBYG/view?usp=sharing for a more comprehensive view of my experience.
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