Content MarketingInternet ResearchSocial Media ManagementVirtual Assistant
I’m FREYMA RODAS a registered Medical Technologist here in the Philippines and a certified member of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists specializing in Laboratory Quality Assurance and admin tasks. I worked as a MedTech for 5 years, I am an ESL teacher and a trained Virtual Assistant with sufficient knowledge about insurance verification, medical coding, and billing, medical scribing, answering phone calls and scheduling appointments, social media management, email management, content writing, travel management and many more. I love editing Graphic designs using Canva I use it on my business and I manage my own social media account for my business also. I have common knowledge in managing emails and use Microsoft software. I practiced content writing because of my products and because of this, I would like to apply my skills to make your life easier. Reach me out and let me give you a hand. Thank you and have a great day.
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