Hi, I’m Khent. I provide great customer service, managing tasks, flexible, multitasking, solving problems, sales, marketing, finance and assisting, and I am an output-oriented person. I have 3 years experience in an online ESL teaching and a student assistant.
⚫Knowledge and skills I can provide✅ ✅Bookkeeping ✅Multi-media designs (Canva) ✅Email management ✅Organization ✅Typing ✅Zoom
✅Social media management
✅Teaching using English Language ⚫Office applications I’m most familiar with✅ ✅Microsoft Word ✅Microsoft Excel ✅Microsoft PowerPoint
✅Microsoft Publisher ✅Microsoft Access ✅Skype for Business ✅Windows 10 apps
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We will review the reports from both freelancer and employer to give the best decision. It will take 3-5 business days for reviewing after receiving two reports.