Profile of Christine Joy Arceo

Christine Joy Arceo Virtual Assistant
0 years experience 0 projects worked Philippines
$3.00 /hr $0 earned
Internet ResearchProofreadingSocial Media ManagementTutoringVirtual Assistant


I am Christine or you can call me through my nickname which is Chin. I am currently a graduating student and taking up Education Major in Information and Communication Technology. I have a more than 6 months experience as a Virtual Assistant which I usually handle social media like instagram and tiktok. You may consider also my typing skills which I am master with that, I will add also my other skills like Advance level using of Word, Powerpoint and Intermediate level with the use of Excel. Other than that, I have the knowledge of using the google sites, canva, filmora, photoshop, adobe premier. I am open and willing to train with the other skills that you are looking for as a Virtual Assistant especially that I want to develop my skills and to be eloquent in terms of speaking which is one of my weakness. I am good at written but I am bad at verbal skills especially in the English Language. I do have also a positive attitude that it may help for the working environment that I am belonging and I can easily adapt the changes in my work.

I guess this is all the things that I can share with you. I am looking forward to hear from you soon and let me give a chance to prove myself even though a beginner virtual assistant.

Christine Arceo

Work History (0)

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  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education Major in Information and Communication Technology

    Technological University of the Philippines

    August 2019 - August 2023