Angela Grace Villa Virtual Assistant/Translator/Media Content Editor
3 years experience0 projects worked Philippines
$5.00 /hr $0 earned
Photo EditingProofreadingSocial Media ManagementTranslationVirtual Assistant
Hi! My name is Angela Grace Villa. I am 26 years old from the Philippines.
I am a freelance translator and VA. I am experienced in translating English, Tagalog, Ilonggo, Cebuano and vice versa. I graduated in an Online Academy for Virtual Assistants to learn and develop my skills and also, I’m knowledgeable on:
·Email Handling & Marketing I can manage your email & calendar
·I can manage your contacts in your email marketing software
·I can create campaigns I can create email marketing templates
·I can create a landing page Social Media Management & Marketing
·I can do daily postings I can reply to messages
·I can handle comments WordPress Management Basic Graphic Design using Canva Ecommerce Management
My future goals is to give a great presentation of work, giving time and effort to the tasks or projects, and be organize.
I am reliable and a goal-oriented person. I always make sure to finish my work on time with 100% accuracy. I am resourceful and I always maximize my tools and resources to look for answers before asking questions. I fit for this job because I know I have my qualifications and trainings and I will give my best. I have sample portfolio during my trainings. I have experienced in Social Media Marketing because I am also an online seller for 3 years so I have my qualifications to work with you and how to start up your business. My achieving on this role is that, If I see a client struggling, I will offer to help them with something and to do the specific tasks that they will give me.
I’m looking for a company that values its people and I am very excited to be a part of your growing team. I look forward to speaking with your hiring manager as soon as possible. Have a good day!
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