Profile of Allyne Ronquillo Ferrer

Allyne Ronquillo Ferrer Administrative/Executive Assistant
1 year experience 0 projects worked Philippines
$5.00 /hr $0 earned
Blog WritingInternet ResearchTranslationTutoringVirtual Assistant

I am Allyne Ferrer. I used to be an educator and handled students from young learners to adults obtaining my English fluency when I shifted to a new career which is being an Admin Assistant. In the present, I am now Administrative / Executive Virtual Assistant Aspirant with one(1) year and a half total of experiences in supporting and assisting two(2) US clients. They are both realtors and I helped with the administrative tasks such as data entry, transcription, setting appointments, cold calling, doing outbound and inbound calls, email management, calendar management, skip tracing and even as a representative when my clients will not be able to attend a specific meeting.


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